Getting to STOP SHOP Gödöllő

You can easily walk to STOP SHOP Gödöllő from Gödöllő city center and it'll take you just a few minutes. You can also get there by car, which will take  you less than a minute from the city centre. 

STOP SHOP Gödöllő is well connected to the public transport network via the long-distance bus lines Volan bus 1040 and 2102, coming from Budapest and Veresegyház.

Stop Shop Gödöllő

Bossányi Krisztina utca 2
2100 Gödöllo

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday: 09:00 AM – 08:00 PM
Sunday: 09:00 AM – 06:00 PM
*Opening hours may vary for some stores. You can find detailed information about specific store hours below.

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