Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about STOP SHOP

Where can I find the opening hours of my STOP SHOP?

The opening hours are regulated differently depending on the branch and country. You can find more details directly on the country-specific STOP SHOP page.

Is there sufficient parking available at STOP SHOP?

Yes, accessibility is a particular concern for us. Therefore, we have made it a priority from the beginning to provide you with sufficient parking spaces. You will also find specially designated parking spaces for disabled parking in all our STOP SHOPs.

Can I park my bike safely on site?

We are always happy to hear when you chose to make your way to us by bike and thus do your part to contribute to supporting the environment. To make it as easy as possible for you to keep your bike safe while you shop, we provide you with a large number of bicycle parking spaces directly in front of our stores. To be on the safe side, we would ask you to lock your bike to the bike rack and take it back with you after you've finnished shopping.

Where can I get news about future offers?

On each respective STOP SHOP homepage you can find current promotions of our tenants under the category News & Offers. We also encourage you to like our Facebook page, where we regularly share competitions, lotteries and current offers.

How can I subscribe to the STOP SHOP newsletter?

In our STOP SHOP newsletter we inform you about all news regarding your STOP SHOP. You also benefit even faster from promotions, discounts and competitions. To receive our newsletter, please register on the STOP SHOP homepage.

What amenities does a STOP SHOP offer me?

The well-being of our customers is our top priority. Consequently, we have made it our goal to make your shopping experience as pleasant as possible with our services. That's why we offer all STOP SHOP customers free Wi-Fi, comfortable seating, restrooms with diaper-changing tables, playgrounds, shady green areas, ATMs, a food court and many seasonal promotions and events.

What should I do if I lose something in the STOP SHOP, e.g. my gloves or wallet?

There is a great chance your lost items will be found. Please note, however, that there is no center manager on site and you should contact the staff in the stores where you shopped. It is best to leave your contact information and they will get back to you as soon as they find your lost item.

Are there any toilet facilities in my STOP SHOP?

Yes, compared to most other retail centers, we offer our customers handicapped accessible toilet facilities, which are accessible all year round during the day and which are heated in winter. We also offer a diaper changing table for parents. Look for a gray toilet container in the parking lot where you can find the white letters WC. In some STOP SHOPs the toilet facility is located directly in the building. Please look for the signs pointing you in the right direction. A public toilet facility is only available if there is no food court, otherwise we kindly ask you to use the options by the food court.