Getting to STOP SHOP Tábor

STOP SHOP Tábor is located on the southern edge of the city in the direction of Sezimovo Ústí on the main road Soběslavská. Nearby is the D3 motorway, from which you just have to take the exit toTábor and continue straight ahead.

Bus number 50 takes you to the Stop Shop bus stop, which is right in front of the shops. You can also reach us by train, get off at the Tábor - Čápův dvůr station, which is located close to the STOP SHOP.

Stop Shop Tábor

U Čápova dvora 3125
390 02 Tábor

Opening hours

Shops are open every day at STOP SHOP Tábor. Store's opening hours may vary, more detailed information can be found below.

Our Offers


What would the body want?


There are a number of factors that negatively affect women's health, and stress is one of them. That's also why it's important to remember to rest and relax regularly so that you have somewhere to draw energy from. The key to overall well-being is to learn to listen to your body and consciously consider its needs. It's up to you whether you choose to discover them alone or with two people. Join us on an exciting journey of self-discovery and balance. After all, summer is the perfect time for this. For even more inspiration, visit