

STOP SHOP Příbram is located on the southern edge of the city. It is easily accessible via public transport and offers a wide range of stores.


Welcome new brands in our retail parks STOP SHOP!

Saturday 9 March was a special day for two of our retail parks STOP SHOP, where brand new attractive stores opened. In Příbram, instead of the original JYSK furniture branch, you will now find the Action store, which offers a wide range of everyday products at attractive prices. In Horní Měcholupy, the staff of the clothing brand Gate are looking forward to your visit. Come and choose the right one and refresh your spring wardrobe!


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New Tenants Enhance Shopping Experience at Stop Shop Locations

Across our Stop Shop locations we have welcomed new tenants over the past few months who have enriched the product selection and enhanced the tenant mix of our retail parks. At Stop Shop Litvínov, you can now enjoy the new Rossmann drugstore, offering a wide range of decorative cosmetics along with a curated selection of products from laundry detergents to high-quality baby care items. In Příbram, you can now shop for all your household needs at the ORION store.

At Stop Shops in Rakovník and Horní Měcholupy, you can look forward to the popular concept ACTION , with new stores set to open in the coming days.

Our tenants



Brodská 601
261 01 Příbram
Czech Republic

Our stores

Our offers

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Allow me to introduce myself. I am #justme.
Whether I’m a mom, a busy professional, a beauty ready to dazzle at a party,
or simply relaxing at home, cozied up on the couch... I always want to be just me.
Authentic, with all my strengths, weaknesses, and potential. #justme