New STOP SHOP is located at Ulica Istarskih narodnjaka 17, 52000, Pazin and is well connected to the rest of the city.

Stop Shop Pazin

Ulica Istarskih narodnjaka 17
52000 Pazin

Store opening hours may vary from one shop to another. Most stores in STOP SHOP Pazin open their doors to customers from 9 a.m. on weekdays.

Our offers

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Back to the school benches, back to new adventures! 📚 A new beginning is always more fun with new pieces of clothing, sneakers and interesting backpacks. Renew your wardrobe at Sport Vision because great discounts are waiting for you that are impossible to resist. 😊

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Kick off the school year fully prepared! Whether you need the latest supplies, trendy outfits, or tech gear, our STOP SHOP Back to school catalog has everything you need. Click HERE to explore.