New STOP SHOP is located at Ulica Istarskih narodnjaka 17, 52000, Pazin and is well connected to the rest of the city.

Stop Shop Pazin

Ulica Istarskih narodnjaka 17
52000 Pazin

Store opening hours may vary from one shop to another. Most stores in STOP SHOP Pazin open their doors to customers from 9 a.m. on weekdays.

Our offers


Optika Anda, the first in Europe, has introduced a digital assistant to assist with vision care!

The beloved character loved by both young and old - Anda Panda, has now come to life and taken on a new role as a vision coach available 24/7. Find out how Anda Panda can help and how to access her. 

Optika Anda's new digital assistant operates on the WhatsApp platform, allowing smartphone users to quickly find solutions for their vision, support appointment bookings, answer questions about Anda ambassadors, and much more!

"At Optika Anda, we always strive to stay up to date with new technologies in the market, and since caring for our customers is our top priority, we decided to utilize the best that AI can currently offer us. That's how we created a vision coach available to our customers 24/7," explained the Optika Anda team on the creation of this AI solution. 

Anda Panda's digital assistant, as your vision coach, has its learning algorithm that allows it to improve and systematically enhance its capabilities through every interaction with users. Anda Panda is accessible to everyone through the WhatsApp application, and you can access her by scanning the QR code from the visual or by clicking on the LINK WhatsApp Anda Panda.


Summer Outfits for a Great Feeling at Your NKD!

Summer style at hot prices! Get a 20% discount on clothing for the whole family with purchases over €5! The offer is valid from Thursday, 04.07.

Enjoy the summer in high standards!


Visit the Sport Vision store and take advantage of incredible discounts!

Sport Vision's biggest summer sale has begun with discounts up to 50%! Summer is the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe with trendy new pieces while saving big.